Happy New Year. I can't believe that it is already 2018! Time is really flying. As January comes to an end I wanted to share my 2018 goals and resolutions for my personal life, work and family life.
There were so many exciting and amazing things that happened in 2017 for me and my family. The whole year was centered around my pregnancy and the arrival of our beautiful baby girl Amara in the Fall. I am so grateful to God for a healthy pregnancy (for the most part) and a very happy and healthy baby girl.
As this new year starts and I am figuring out my goals and things I want to achieve, I thought I would put it down on (figurative) paper to keep myself motivated and accountable for what I decide. I hope that this blog entry helps you with your resolutions or if anything it can inspire you to do more this new year.
My first resolution, as I think it is with everyone, is to get healthy. I have been struggling with my weight for close to 5 years now. It's a combination of my poor eating habits, my non-existing exercising and genetics. I want to do better this year. I want to focus on getting healthy as opposed to skinny. I want to feel better about myself, I want to have more energy and I want to have more confidence in how I look. This also goes deeper in the sense that I want my baby to have a mom for a REALLY long time, and now is the time to get my health on track.
I am going to be working to grow my YouTube channel as well as my blog. I have been obsessed with YouTube for many, many years. I have been on and off with my YouTube channel since I started it a few years back. I want to make this a priority and really expand it and also grow my audience. I love that I can share my life, hobbies and passions with my viewers on YouTube and on my blog. I am working on expanding my content on my main channel, which I think will be the only channel I post to.(YouTube.com/thesoriameffect4) I am very excited about the new direction my channel and content will be going!
The other goal that I have for 2018 is to start my own business. I am a stylist, and since I started cosmetology school I have been saying that I want to open my own salon. This year is the year that I start taking the steps to getting this done. I won't be going in to much detail about all my plans, but again I wanted to put it down on "paper".
The goal that I am most excited about is year is going on a few vacations. Last year with the pregnancy and with saving money for the baby's arrival we only went on one vacation the entire year. This year I want to go on more vacations, this can be just Derek and I, or us with either of our extended families. As long as we are getting out of the house and on some beach I will be happy.
Something that goes along with taking more vacations this year is that I want to go on more dates with Derek. Usually we do dates on a whim, not putting too mush thought in what we actually do, which usually turns out to be going out to dinner. So this year I want to have at least one date night a month were we do something different and fun. I want to think outside the box a little more. I even thought of putting fun date ideas into a jar and picking one out each month to do together.

Something my husband and I are still talking about that might or might not happen this year is trying for baby #2. We have been talking about when we want to have our second (and final) baby. Before I had Amara and before we were even thinking about having any babies, I always thought that I wanted to have my kids spaced out by a few years. My sisters and I are all 4 years apart and I always thought that was what I wanted. Since having Amara, I think that we are both leaning towards having our second baby sooner rather than later. My though process is that I don't want to be completely out of the baby stage and then 2-4 years later have to start from scratch again.
This last goal might not happen at all, but it is in talks between my husband and I, so I thought I would include it anyway.
What are your New Years Resolutions? What goals have you set for yourself?
Beauty Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thesoriameffect4
Lifestyle Channel: http://YouTube.com/SoriamTV
Spanish Beauty Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVp5erjTu3sPPV7pGKjOP8w
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