The first concealer of these two that I used was the Nars Radiant Creamy concealer. Like most of the products I talk about, I was sucked in to the YouTube vortex of product doom when basically everyone on YT was talking about the Nars concealer. So I went to my neighborhood Sephora and picked up the concealer in the shade vanilla.
First thing I didn't like was the price. This concealer costs $28, and that is for .22 oz of product. How much product is that you ask? A LITTLE BIT, that's how much!

So clearly this product is a high end product, and you're basically paying for the name and pretty packaging. I was expecting this concealer to be amazingggg! I was not disappointed. I really loved this concealer. It was the perfect consistency for covering dark circles and even using it as a cream highlight. It blends out really well, with a sponge or a brush or just your fingers. Truly, it is a very nice concealer.
I had also heard a lot about the Maybelline Fit Me concealer, and that this was a great dupe for the Nars concealer.
In one of my last visits to the drugstore, I decided to give the Maybelline concealer a chance. I really wanted to see for myself if it was really comparable to the Nars concealer.
Since these are only $7.29 (for .23 oz) I got the 3 lightest shades that were available ( 10, 15 and 20.)
So even buying 3 of these concealers I didn't reach the $28 price for only one of the Nars concealers.
These concealers, I must say, were a surprise. As they are drugstore products I honestly was not expecting a lot from them. But I ended up really loving these concealers. I most often use the number 20, that is about 2-3 shades lighter than my natural skin tone. I love the opacity of these concealers. It does a great job of covering my dark circles, highlighting and I even use it to conceal spots. It blends out so nice, it doesn't disappear after blending it. It really brightens up the under eye area and makes the overall base look amazing. I recently talked about this concealer in my September Favorites video that is up on my YouTube.
The Maybelline Fit Me concealer is definitely an amazing dupe for the Nars Radiant Creamy concealer. But It's also just a great concealer in general. Both of these are super comparable. I would say that the Maybelline concealer is the winner because of how affordable it is. You can buy about 4 of these concealers for the price of one of the Nars concealers.
So why spend all that money on a product if there is one that is just as good for a quarter of the price!
Let me know what concealer is your favorite!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog!
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